
Material Acommplishment.

So I just need to say that since most of the stuff I have ordered off the internet has arrived at my door already, I am really feeling like I have done something. It's funny, but it has taken spending money on things for me to really feel accomplished. But see? That is what it's all about. You can plan and plan and plan the perfect wedding and hope that it will all work out, but until you have actually purchased something and have a tangible piece of it in your hands, it doesn't feel like it will really happen.

I have received my unity candle and my toasting flutes, and they are gorgeous! I have also received the labels for the out of town bags, and I am glad that I ordered them. It was $14 well spent. I was going back and forth telling myself that I could make something for them, but for the great price, these labels are too cute! The personalized golf tees have also made it to my door! They are amazing! I am again glad that I went for it. I'm sure he'll be using them for a long time if they all don't get scooped away at the reception!

On another fun note, I went with Heather (MOH) to look for bridesmaids dresses, and after trying on a bunch, she found "The One"! She said that was exactly what she wanted and that made me so happy! It's beautiful, just like the other girls dresses. They are all completely different, yet all what I hoped they would be! I am excited to see all the girls together in their dresses!!! Now, we are just on a hunt for inexpensive yellow shoes!!!

My brain is racking with all of the things that I need to do! There is still so much! I just hope that it all comes together! There's still a lot of big tickets items on the table on both sides of the budget makers (us and my parents). I'm getting kinda anxious...


134 Days!!!

So as my time is winding down, the stress is coming on! I cannot believe in January, I was thinking, "Wow, I have over a year, so I will be fine!" Well, several financial crisis later, I am realizing that you just never know what is going to happen and when. You never know what road you are about to turn onto. It has been a struggle, but Scott and I have managed to keep our heads above water, and with the help of our friends and family, we are moving along quite nicely.

I know that you guys are dying for an update! You must be thinking that I haven't done anything for awhile! And, that is the truth. I have felt for a long time that I haven't gotten anything accomplished. That was until September hit, and since then, it has been one thing after another. After the dress purchase, it seemed like a road sign came into my way, saying, "Ok, you have bought the dress, now here is a list of all the other things that you have only 6 months to do!"

A few weeks ago in October, my mother and I purchased everything we would need for the centerpieces with the exception of the lemons themselves. I felt VERY accomplished after that. We got our favor bags, too. That was a sweet deal! And just this week, I was able to sit down and sort through the things I needed to get ordered, and after scouring the internet for the best deals (and they are our there! do not pay top dollar until you have been to places like Anne's Bridal Bargains, Weddingstar and MyWeddingLabels). And boy, do I feel good! I purchased my unity candle, Scott's dad's memory candle, my cake toppers, personalized golf tees, the labels for my out of town bags, and a few other things. And today...dun dun dun! Scott and I placed the deposit on our wedding and groom's cakes!! I couldn't be happier! I am getting exactly what I want, and I am not being nickeled and dimed to death! (Ask me where not to go, I will tell you).

So hooray!!! It's coming together. I really need to find some shoes for the day. I have had my eyes peeled, but so far, no yellow ones that I liked! The sooner I get the shoes, the sooner I can make 100% sure I don't need my dress hemmed.

And as great as I feel...I am constantly reminded that there are a gazillion things on the to do list! I actually think there are about 100 left on my list on Weddingwire, but I am sure there are others!


5 Months and counting...

So I had a fabulous weekend last weekend with my cousin Heidi in town. I got to show her all the progress I have made on the wedding plans and get her input on stuff.

It was a successful shopping trip with Mom on Friday. After visiting 3 Goodwills, buying 2 containers we aren't going to use, changing my mind completely, a quick visit to Walmart Foodmart for a bag of lemons, and several minutes of deciding, we bought the materials needed for my centerpieces! Oh, and did I mention I had no idea how many tables we were buying for until 20 minutes before I swiped my card? Crazy, I know! But that's not all...

When trying to assemble a mock centerpiece at home, our new plan sank. Haha, that's a pun, because actually, what ruined our plan was the fact that lemons FLOAT. I wanted to float candles above a vase full of lemons. Well, that did not work! We will figure something out I suppose!!!

Saturday brought excitement with the BIG reveal of my gown to my Mom, cousin and mom's best friend. Heather (MOH) learned how to put me in it! :-) It was an exciting moment, it was very well received! I am so excited to be a bride!

There are so many things to do... I am feeling the stress! I just wish it was here! I wish everything was finished and purchased and ready to go! But I have so many things to look forward to: my shower, my surprise-filled bachelorette party, my rehearsal party with all my family, and of course MY WEDDING! And my honeymoon... to the beach, Hubs!


Bored and crafty...

Look what I made today! Haha... it's silly, I know, but how cute will it be on our doorknob on our wedding night and our Honeymoon? By the way, I got the foam door knocker for 28 cents at Hobby Lobby, and already had all the letters from past projects.


Checking things off of my list!

I have been pretty stressed lately. It's only 5 months and 15 days until my wedding day! Just saying it makes me happy! Anyways, with only 5 months left, I get a little antsy thinking about all of things left to do!

But.. I can smile and say that last week I checked something important off of my list. This particular thing has given me a few stress pimples or maybe even a few early gray hairs! Okay, maybe not all that now, but it has given me plenty of "Ugh, I don't know what to do's" to my friends and fiance. I have crossed "Find a photographer in your microscopic budget" off my list! I also have confirmed the location of the reception, and took picture of it. That's a funny story!

Pretty much, my biggest fear came true! As I was paying my deposit, the gentleman was taking down my name on his calendar, he said, "So when is your wedding, on the 29th?" And I was like.. "Um, no, the 21st," in my sweetest, everything is okay voice. So I look down, and see that there is a name already on my day!!! How could that be possible! How come my name was transferred from the old calendar to the new calendar? I had a dream about this! More like a nightmare... Anyways, the man wrote my name underneath the other name, and seeing the horror on my face, assured me that he knew that it was a mistake and that everything is fine.

Uh, okay, thanks for the heart attack, dude!

In other, great news, Scott has finally asked his other groomsman to be a part of our wedding, and he said yes! So know everyone knows that is going to be in the wedding. Thank you, Justin, we couldn't be happier!

I have also named a "honorary" bridesmaid, my friend Teri. She has been so generous, and so helpful. She got married almost 2 years ago, so she has the experience and advice. She has also lent her ear almost everyday since I started planning. She deserves some recognition! She is going to help me on my wedding day and is going to make my slide show! She's amazing! I could not imagine her not being here with me every step!



So yesterday evening, I was talking to Teri about David's Bridal, and how my mom told me that they were running their $99 Dress Sale. She said that I should go check it out, but I was a little weary because I have scheduled "Dress Day" for October when my cousin is coming down with her, Heather my mom and sister. She said I should just go and see, so I called them to ask them about the sale and the saleswomen said that they would only be running it through the end of the month and that they only had a few dresses left. Well, that did it. As I was leaving, Teri pushed me out the door (haha, cheesy I know) and told me I better go down there. And since it's in the same shopping center, there really was no reason not to.

So let me tell you something about David's Bridal that you may or may not already know. They pretty much attack you when you touch the doorknob. Well, I was well prepared with my "I am just looking, I am not going to buy today, can you point me in the sale direction" speech, but when I walked in the front desk girl was already helping someone and I was able to sneak in without the others' noticing me right away. So I found my estimated size racks and started flipping through them. I have a very firm budget for every aspect of my wedding, so I skimmed right over the dresses that were more than what I could spend. There was barely anything that I could at longer than a second. My "price range" is the last three figure number that they sell regular price gowns at, so it's no surprise that there weren't many. After scanning the racks, someone finally approached me. After talking for a few minutes, she talked me into getting a consultant so I could try on some gowns because "you will never know until you try on, so let just get an idea.." After leaving this woman and sitting down with woman #2, who asked me all the same question, plus my name and address and phone number, I was then passed on woman #3 (Jenna?) who assisted me in the dressing area.

The first dress I tried on was the one I have been eying in the catalog and online, and I keep pages from Bridal mags that are of dresses similar. It was $100 more than my budget. I tried it on. This was the first moment I realize coming by yourself can be a challenge. You have to put your "wedding dress bra" (read: torso length super tight strapless bra) by yourself and it has, like, 12 clasps and you have to work really hard at spinning it around your body!!!! Then you put on your...I forgot the name, the skirt thing. Not too bad. Then the dress! Doable, but obviously would be better if your MOB or mom could drape it over you, instead of have to find the whole and drop it down by yourself. But I did it! (4 times).

Ok, so dream dress on, in front of the mirror. No smiles! I didn't like it! I was sad and shocked! What happens when you don't like the way your dream dress looks on?!?!? So, the consultant brought my another one, in my range. It was pretty, fit good, liked it. It had a weird tulle mesh thing, but over all it was okay. Then I tried on a third dress. No. So as I was looking at it in the mirror, I realized that she didn't have any other dresses held for me on the rack. I got a little discouraged, until my consultant came to me and said she would go look on the sale rack to see if she could find anything that met my criteria. I told her that if she found any in my size, to just bring them over and I would decide.

So, she comes back with the only dress in my size on sale. She showed it to me through the bag and I liked it a lot, so I went in to try it on. She said she would ask someone if there was still a sale going on (hmm...ok). Well, I put the dress on really fast so I could come out and get a good look. I don't want to say that there was that special moment of just knowing it was the one, but I was definitely surprised and happy with the way this one looked! She came back to help me zip it up and she told me that the dress was only $99!!! The dress is gorgeous!!! I am not going to divulge into it's details because Scott reads my blog :-) But as I am spending time in it, I realize more and more that this is the dress I am going to walk down the aisle in! It was an amazing moment. This was the other time that I was bummed that I was all alone, I didn't have anyone to share my excitement with. My consultant said though, that I didn't need anyone there to tell me what I already knew, which was that the dress is perfect for me! So, after a few discussing a few minor alterations (and one medium one) I decided to buy it!

I did not buy the $189 veil that matched, and don't plan on going back for it. I did not set up an appointment for my estimated $250 alterations. I took a deep breath and snapped a camera phone pic (Aren't you surprised that me, Mrs. Camera didn't have it with me? I was planning on buying my wedding gown, lol) and changed out of it. Then I just bought it. Just like that, that simple.

I want to put it back on!!! I feel SOOOO relieved that it's over and that I didn't pay a fortune. I might even get rid of the picture of my real "dream" gown from Priscilla of Boston. Or...I might not :-) I did miss the fact that my mom and my cousin and Heather and my sister weren't there like we had planned, but I guess I am non traditional. They are all happy for me that I didn't miss out on the greatest deal of my life! I will be telling my daughter or future daughter in law that I only spent $100 on my gown. It was a great night!

Sorry no pics, don't want Groomy to see it! ;-)


My long awaited joy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008. Old Fort Park, Murfreesboro. Photos by Bradley Edwards.


I love DAMASK!

So, I finally have committed to a theme of sorts for my wedding. Since I never really had a theme, just an underlying color scheme plus lemons, this is exciting! Anyways, I have always been drawn to this unique and beautiful black and white print that I never knew the name of. Well, I discovered on the internet it is called Damask, and it is POPULAR! Especially in weddings these days. I suppose it's trendy, and although I don't consider myself a trendy person, I really love this print. I was searching for it on eBay last night and they make everything in this print! And it comes in other colors, but the black and white is by far the most impactful.

Anyways, so I am going to try to incorporate damask in the elements of my wedding as much as I can, even though I am doing minimal decor. The design on my invitations can even be considered damask. It's everywhere and I found a lot of ideas and inspiration on the internet today.

Which is probably the best thing that has happened to me today in the wedding planning world. I went to Target today, again, to see if the save the dates had come in the match my other wedding stationary. They weren't there. And when I asked someone about them, the guy at the guest services desk told me that they probably won't have them again, that is something that they may not carry anymore. You need to know that he did not know what item specifically he was speaking about, he just said the that stationary part of the store would not be changing until Christmas, so whatever I was looking for that wasn't there, probably just wouldn't ever be. Now that was discouraging!!!

And, the other wedding chore I had today was to go by the reception location and drop of my deposit check, get some more information and to ask the guy in charge if I could take pictures. Well, I arrive, bummed out after my Target adventure, to find out that the guy had just left for lunch and wouldn't be back for about an hour. Also, I would not be able to take photos of the location because they were having some sort of class in the room. It was a wasted trip!

Oh well, I am going to spend the rest of the evening playing with this new tool I found while I was lost in Googleland. I always run into these collages of inspiration when looking at wedding ideas, and I always wished I could make them but never knew how. WELL, there is a website that lets you create your own for free!!! YAY!

So be looking for my wedding insiration collages coming soon!


A beautiful wedding and Target.

So, I know what I will be doing on Thursday. I will be going across the country to find the missing pieces to my black and white paisley collection from Target. I still need favor boxes and hopefully save the dates. What perplexes me the most is that I cannot purchase these items online! It's very frustrating! And I really need to find the save the dates by next month!

I attended my friend Jessica's wedding this past Sunday. She and I have known each other since 9th grade. Her wedding was beautiful and I enjoyed it very much! It also gave me a chance to pay attention to details and happenings at the wedding. This was the last wedding I will be attending until my own, so I had to pay attention! (Although I cannot wait to hear about and see pictures from my other friend from high school, Ashlee's, wedding).

Some things I noticed were how Jessica and Jesse acted around each other. They seemed comfortable, which is important. They were themselves, it seemed. The first thing that they did after entering the reception was sat down at their Sweetheart Table for a few minutes and took some pictures, but they almost immediately got up and started talking to all their guests, table by table. I thought that was smart, that way you have mingled with everyone before things get too distracting and before the early-goers leave. I also thought it was cool how they would introduce each other to the guests and tell a little bit about how they know them. I don't think that we will have to do much of that at our reception, since it's mostly family and mutual friends... Hmm...

In lieu of favors, there were the cutest cupcakes at each place setting with a fondant bee on the top and it was sitting on a pretty pink coaster that had "meant to bee" stamped on it. It was precious!

Two of my favorite elements that Jessica had
in her wedding are two that I had planned on incorporating in my own, so it was nice to see them laid out. First, she had a big autograph frame placed on the guestbook table for her guests to sign. I did notice first hand that people were unsure and almost afraid to sign it when it was blank! There were several of us standing around it at the time and people were chatting about it, but no one wanted to the first. So, I went ahead and signed it so people wouldn't feel like they were the first. I want to make a note of this so I have someone in my party sign mine so that people don't hesitate!

Secondly, she had a "wishing well" of sorts, where people write down best wishes or memories for the bride and groom on a card and place them in a well (or vase). The was something I warned to do because I want to scrapbook the cards. I haven't exactly figured out how I am going to execute this, but I loved seeing Jessica's table!

I feel like I am at a point where I can't do anymore. It's a little over 6 months away, and I have done a lot of big things, but it's too early to do small things. I am meeting with a possible photographer on Saturday, and I pray that that goes well because it fits very well into the way money has been budgeted, and I am afraid if it doesn't, I will suddenly have a big problem! It's a little overwhelming because I have so many things still on my list but I can't cross them off for awhile!

And then there's the honeymoon...


You know that moment...

There has been a lot of wedding progress since I last posted. Scott and I went over to M&Ds (Mom and Dad's) and went over our wedding plans. Now, I can't speak for Scott, though I can usually gauge it pretty well, but I was preparing for the worst. I was expecting them not to like my ideas, not to let me explain my side and not to understand where I was coming from. That wasn't the case (for the most part!) Our visit (yes, the four of us actually all sat down together, which should read: "Dad sat down and gave his opinion too," so that when I read this months from now, I will still believe it!) went very well!

After I showed my mom my Book of Inspiration, which is awesome! All the dresses, flowers, centerpieces... ahhh. She loved it. The colors are a definite go. Everytime I look at them together, I am more confident. Anyways, she and I reviewed all my ideas, then we went to work at setting the wedding day plan. Things got a little rough here, but only because I of course have this perfectly laid out plan of what I think my wedding day will be. She laughed at me. But it's okay. She loves me and knows that I am like this, so I am sure she expected it.

After awhile, my dad came in and he and Scott joined our conversation. We talked about everything, from where the preacher sits and the reception, where to put the memory candle and are you going to have a rose? What time we should all gather at the church, what time to ceremony is going to start, are you going to have a limo? How much time between the ceremony and reception there will be, what color dress my mom will where, are you having a DJ? STOP! Haha, I just casually want to mention that this is where Scott and my Dad had a conversation that made me laugh. But in the end, we are getting a DJ, that my parents' are taking care of. Yay! Not something we were going to spend the money on. Anyways, as I have already said, it went so well.

The guestlist is officially finalized. AND, since those invitations that I just loved turned out to be an obscene $1500, NO joke, for paper, I felt like I was at square one. Well, that was until last night! I was out with my great friend Teri and we found some that are so perfect for what I want, AND its going to be less than $100 for all the invites and response cards. Oh, and favor boxes. For $100. Total. HAHA! When you get my invite, look this back up so you can relive how freakin' excited I am about this.

So back to last night. That was the moment I knew I could do this. Have a budget wedding and still make it look gorgeous. Have a budget wedding, but still have the elements that reflect me and Scott. It was an amazing moment. Thanks Teri!

And, you know that moment that you feel after you have been struggling with a lot of things and then you finally feel a tinge of relief? I had the moment, too. And I feel good. I feel like one (or a few) brick from the wall of stress has been removed.

Thanks, God!



When I was a little girl, I dreamed that Cinderella and Jasmine and Belle were my best friends and that we lived in castles next to each other and would go out on our beautiful mares and ride around, waiting for Prince Charming to come whisk us away. I thought about how I would be wearing a long, flowing gown and my hair would by long and wavy and he would life me off of the saddle and hold me in his arms and spin around. Birds would flutter to and fro and bells would chime and in an instant, we would be kissing at our wedding.

Do you feel like you saw this movie? I was absolutely in love with fairy tales. I would play pretend with anyone who would play with me, my little sister, my Gramma, my mom, even my Papa or my dad. Often, it was by myself and with my pets. I would just imagine being a princess and being submerged in love.

As I grew older, I realized that these visions of love are just what they are, fairy tales. I still waited for my Prince Charming to come, of course, but not on a hilltop with birds and belles. Or horses. I have never ridden one, let alone been lifted off of one. Then I learned of the place the modern girls' dreams of love and peace come true: Paris.

(I borrowed this photo from my pal Justin. He is Europe right now! This is an amazing photo and I hope he doesn't mind I used it, but it is what inspired me to write this exact blog!)

See, Paris is just one word. Romantic. The architecture is exquisite. The food is various and delicious. The sights would heal any sore eyes. The language is a song to any ear. The history is full of love, war, poverty, royalty. The landscape is full of structure and beauty. It is the perfect place to share with the one person with whom you want to share all romance with.

I have taken French in school, but have never made it to the place where I am certain that all of my romantic fantasies would come true. I have dreamed of the day that I would stand in front of the Eiffel Tower, would sip wine off a balcony overlooking a promenade and stare at exhibits I can't even imagine at the Louvre. I have dreamed of the day that I would kiss Prince Charming, here.

I still believe in fairy tales, even though my life is so far from one, I wonder if they even write them anymore? I still believe in Prince Charming. I get a kiss from him every night and every morning. During our courtship, he used to carry my away in his red Stratus to his castle, the Kappa Sig house. Now, we share our lives together every day, growing more and more in love. I have stood in front of many structures and kissed him, even if it hasn't been the Eiffel Tower. Very soon, I will stand in front of our family and friends and our Lord, and kiss him on our wedding day. Sometimes girls do get a happy ending!


Wedding planning and the 29th Olympiad.

I must say, that things are really going smoothly right now. With the help and advice of some friends, I am taking deep breaths and exploring many more options than I thought I had!

And...drumroll, please. I have accomplished a task!! Haha! I have finalized my guest list and have inputted about half of the addresses. Yay for me! I also may have found a promising vendor. I cannot wait to see what she has to show me! Hopefully, it will resemble this:

So my cousin is coming in 2 months and I cannot wait. I cannot wait to show her all of the stuff I have planned for the wedding. Since she lives so far away, it's hard to keep her completely in the loop. I hope that this blog helps, though! I really want her opinion, so I want to show her the layouts and color ideas I have.

So how about those Olympics? I am enjoying watching them as much as I can. I have always been a fan of the Olympics, ever since I was a little girl and would go gymnastics in the living room in front of the TV. Or dancing and twirling around while Nancy Kerrigan competed in ice skating. High five to the men US gymnastics team!!! Bronze is not shabby!


I know what's on your mind...

So, yeah, I am always thinking about it.

Are my colors right? How do I really feel about the dress thing? Am I going to go for it and wear yellow shoes too? Is that me? Rather, is that the real me on Wedding Day, or just the "big talk" me who likes to idea but at the last second is going to pull her classic white heels out of her Wedding Day bag that she swore she didn't pack...?

What are we going to end up spending? Can we afford to have the elements I want? When I say that I really don't care...do I really care? Is it possible that we are 8 months out with hardly anything confirmed and soon it will be 6 months...and then 3 months?

Am I going to be happy with my pictures? Am I really going to have time to be a nazi about all the photos I want? Am I going to be thinking the entire time... "I wish there would be a picture of this..." "I wish I had taken more photos of me and Scott..." "Damn, I just thought of an adorable pose for me and the bridesmaids, but it's all ready 9pm..." Am I going to go through all my photos when I get back from my honeymoon and be depressed?

What happens when it's over? Am I going to wish it went differently? Am I going to look back and think, it was absolutely wonderful...or that it was okay.

Should I be collecting addresses now? Should I feel bad for not getting the save the dates that she made up for me over months of talking about it, but I just can't spend that much, don't want to spend that much? Is it smart to being DIM (doing it myself) on so many elements?

Is Teri right? It will all work out and I will be happy with everything because I am marrying the man of my dreams and that's all that matters? If so, why don't we just elope?

On the other hand, MOH and I were in Party City today and they had the cutest Bachelorette party items. Ahh.. it will be fun I suppose. I am sure that I am not the only bride to be who feels this way, maybe the only one who will admit it. I get sooo excited sometimes, with the planning and the dreaming...walking down in a gorgeous dress to meet Scott at the alter where we will be joined in matrimony forever and spend the rest of my life as his wife. But other times I just think, this is a lot of stress for a party.


Wedding websites...

So I love the wedding website that Scott suggested... weddingwire.com. It's a great site and easy to navigate! I love the wedding website feature. And I love how you can see all of your plans and details right in front of you - it has a great layout. It makes it fun to look at every time I find an idea I want to keep track of, instead of having to keep up with tear-outs, lists and my bulky planner. Thanks hunny, I really do like it!


Love in all ways.

This is a picture I took today of my ring on my grandma's antique hand mirror, which is one of the best things I own to remember her. I was combining all the things I love: (my ring, hehe) Scott, my grandma, memories and taking pictures! I really love this photo and wanted to share it with all of you!


And the last post of July 2008...

Check this out! Haha, I was imagining earlier that if I can get all my ladies (and perhaps...myself) to don yellow pumps, that I would have my photographer snap a photo of it! It would look similar to this! This made my night!!

(Photo from vowplanner.com)

A few dresses to go with the shoes.

This is my favorite for those who can actually wear strapless... all but me in this party!
(White House Black Market)

I like the cut and material with this dress. And the neckline. (Maggy London)

This is your typical black party dress...(Maggy London)

I like the neck on this one. (Nicole Miller)


Yellow Peep Toe Mania!

So I threw out the idea to the 'maids about wearing yellow shoes with their black dresses. This is something I would like to do if I were a bridesmaid because I would like the option to be a little wild...

Well... Heather (MOH) seemed to like it, Heidi (BM) was open to it with the right shoe, and I haven't told my sister yet, just because she would, it matches her style.

I LOVE THESE SHOES so much... it is making me think about wearing yellow peep toes under my gown...

9 Months from now...

So I received a beautiful gift of Scott's love on Saturday, July 19th. My engagement ring. It's absolutely gorgeous and everything that I wanted.

So now I am on the trek to our wedding day, and I wanted to find a way to keep track of all the wonderful things I find or think about during this journey! I am inspired by this blog that I found while looking for great ideas. Her blog is amazing and it gave me the idea to blog my own wedding. (Also, Scott's blogging, so that also inspired me). I also hope my friends and family can use this as a tool to stay connected with my planning.

Ahh...weddings. Especially when they are your own. :-)