

When I was a little girl, I dreamed that Cinderella and Jasmine and Belle were my best friends and that we lived in castles next to each other and would go out on our beautiful mares and ride around, waiting for Prince Charming to come whisk us away. I thought about how I would be wearing a long, flowing gown and my hair would by long and wavy and he would life me off of the saddle and hold me in his arms and spin around. Birds would flutter to and fro and bells would chime and in an instant, we would be kissing at our wedding.

Do you feel like you saw this movie? I was absolutely in love with fairy tales. I would play pretend with anyone who would play with me, my little sister, my Gramma, my mom, even my Papa or my dad. Often, it was by myself and with my pets. I would just imagine being a princess and being submerged in love.

As I grew older, I realized that these visions of love are just what they are, fairy tales. I still waited for my Prince Charming to come, of course, but not on a hilltop with birds and belles. Or horses. I have never ridden one, let alone been lifted off of one. Then I learned of the place the modern girls' dreams of love and peace come true: Paris.

(I borrowed this photo from my pal Justin. He is Europe right now! This is an amazing photo and I hope he doesn't mind I used it, but it is what inspired me to write this exact blog!)

See, Paris is just one word. Romantic. The architecture is exquisite. The food is various and delicious. The sights would heal any sore eyes. The language is a song to any ear. The history is full of love, war, poverty, royalty. The landscape is full of structure and beauty. It is the perfect place to share with the one person with whom you want to share all romance with.

I have taken French in school, but have never made it to the place where I am certain that all of my romantic fantasies would come true. I have dreamed of the day that I would stand in front of the Eiffel Tower, would sip wine off a balcony overlooking a promenade and stare at exhibits I can't even imagine at the Louvre. I have dreamed of the day that I would kiss Prince Charming, here.

I still believe in fairy tales, even though my life is so far from one, I wonder if they even write them anymore? I still believe in Prince Charming. I get a kiss from him every night and every morning. During our courtship, he used to carry my away in his red Stratus to his castle, the Kappa Sig house. Now, we share our lives together every day, growing more and more in love. I have stood in front of many structures and kissed him, even if it hasn't been the Eiffel Tower. Very soon, I will stand in front of our family and friends and our Lord, and kiss him on our wedding day. Sometimes girls do get a happy ending!

1 comment:

JP said...

Paris is quite charming if I do say so myself. ;]