
Sixty Five Days

So with a little encouragement, I am journaling today. (Thanks, JP)

If there are any brides or past brides out there, reading this, then the title of my post should be a indication of where I am mentally. I am going out of my mind with wedding to do's and trying to balance work, family, church and wedding planning.

November and December are not great months for wedding planning, with the holidays and with working retail. I did, however, book my bartender, and order my cake! I also got a few little things done like finalizing the guest list and typing the labels!

About a week ago, my maid of honor surprised my by coming over and wanting to talk all about the wedding and force me to do the one thing I have been dreading and tense about: making the Wedding Day time line. UGH! Shudder, shudder! But, with her help of course, we got it done, and our rough draft is actually pretty on. We also made a map of set up for the day of preparation. I felt soo accomplished! I should have known that a couple glasses of wine and hanging out with my best friend would do the trick!

One of the many things that has been stressing me out is the uncertainty of the day. I've heard from everyone, many times, "It will work out!" But... how do we know that it will?

I remind myself everyday that the most important part about this wedding is the marriage. I have been waiting a long time to be Mrs. Scott Sargent, and I will be in 65 days! I cannot believe it is actually happening. To be married to him is what I haven been dreaming of. We are not perfect for each other, but no one is. He is everything that I need to get though the day. He is nurturing, caring, the right amount of silly, not too controlling, patient and kind. I know that I push him, but he lets me. I need that :-) I love who I have become while I'm with him. I love him for so many reasons, I can't name them. I am just ready to be his wife and on our way to out honeymoon! Only 66 days til the beach :-)

I have a lot of wedding activities lined up for this week! Monday, my mom and I are going to talk flowers, I am going to finish all the bridesmaids gifts, I'm going to buy Scott's wedding ring, I'm going to mock an "Out of Towner's" bag, and most importantly... I am going to print and send out my invitations!!! I'm sure there are other things, but I will write about them next week!

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