

So yesterday evening, I was talking to Teri about David's Bridal, and how my mom told me that they were running their $99 Dress Sale. She said that I should go check it out, but I was a little weary because I have scheduled "Dress Day" for October when my cousin is coming down with her, Heather my mom and sister. She said I should just go and see, so I called them to ask them about the sale and the saleswomen said that they would only be running it through the end of the month and that they only had a few dresses left. Well, that did it. As I was leaving, Teri pushed me out the door (haha, cheesy I know) and told me I better go down there. And since it's in the same shopping center, there really was no reason not to.

So let me tell you something about David's Bridal that you may or may not already know. They pretty much attack you when you touch the doorknob. Well, I was well prepared with my "I am just looking, I am not going to buy today, can you point me in the sale direction" speech, but when I walked in the front desk girl was already helping someone and I was able to sneak in without the others' noticing me right away. So I found my estimated size racks and started flipping through them. I have a very firm budget for every aspect of my wedding, so I skimmed right over the dresses that were more than what I could spend. There was barely anything that I could at longer than a second. My "price range" is the last three figure number that they sell regular price gowns at, so it's no surprise that there weren't many. After scanning the racks, someone finally approached me. After talking for a few minutes, she talked me into getting a consultant so I could try on some gowns because "you will never know until you try on, so let just get an idea.." After leaving this woman and sitting down with woman #2, who asked me all the same question, plus my name and address and phone number, I was then passed on woman #3 (Jenna?) who assisted me in the dressing area.

The first dress I tried on was the one I have been eying in the catalog and online, and I keep pages from Bridal mags that are of dresses similar. It was $100 more than my budget. I tried it on. This was the first moment I realize coming by yourself can be a challenge. You have to put your "wedding dress bra" (read: torso length super tight strapless bra) by yourself and it has, like, 12 clasps and you have to work really hard at spinning it around your body!!!! Then you put on your...I forgot the name, the skirt thing. Not too bad. Then the dress! Doable, but obviously would be better if your MOB or mom could drape it over you, instead of have to find the whole and drop it down by yourself. But I did it! (4 times).

Ok, so dream dress on, in front of the mirror. No smiles! I didn't like it! I was sad and shocked! What happens when you don't like the way your dream dress looks on?!?!? So, the consultant brought my another one, in my range. It was pretty, fit good, liked it. It had a weird tulle mesh thing, but over all it was okay. Then I tried on a third dress. No. So as I was looking at it in the mirror, I realized that she didn't have any other dresses held for me on the rack. I got a little discouraged, until my consultant came to me and said she would go look on the sale rack to see if she could find anything that met my criteria. I told her that if she found any in my size, to just bring them over and I would decide.

So, she comes back with the only dress in my size on sale. She showed it to me through the bag and I liked it a lot, so I went in to try it on. She said she would ask someone if there was still a sale going on (hmm...ok). Well, I put the dress on really fast so I could come out and get a good look. I don't want to say that there was that special moment of just knowing it was the one, but I was definitely surprised and happy with the way this one looked! She came back to help me zip it up and she told me that the dress was only $99!!! The dress is gorgeous!!! I am not going to divulge into it's details because Scott reads my blog :-) But as I am spending time in it, I realize more and more that this is the dress I am going to walk down the aisle in! It was an amazing moment. This was the other time that I was bummed that I was all alone, I didn't have anyone to share my excitement with. My consultant said though, that I didn't need anyone there to tell me what I already knew, which was that the dress is perfect for me! So, after a few discussing a few minor alterations (and one medium one) I decided to buy it!

I did not buy the $189 veil that matched, and don't plan on going back for it. I did not set up an appointment for my estimated $250 alterations. I took a deep breath and snapped a camera phone pic (Aren't you surprised that me, Mrs. Camera didn't have it with me? I was planning on buying my wedding gown, lol) and changed out of it. Then I just bought it. Just like that, that simple.

I want to put it back on!!! I feel SOOOO relieved that it's over and that I didn't pay a fortune. I might even get rid of the picture of my real "dream" gown from Priscilla of Boston. Or...I might not :-) I did miss the fact that my mom and my cousin and Heather and my sister weren't there like we had planned, but I guess I am non traditional. They are all happy for me that I didn't miss out on the greatest deal of my life! I will be telling my daughter or future daughter in law that I only spent $100 on my gown. It was a great night!

Sorry no pics, don't want Groomy to see it! ;-)


My long awaited joy.

Saturday, September 6, 2008. Old Fort Park, Murfreesboro. Photos by Bradley Edwards.


I love DAMASK!

So, I finally have committed to a theme of sorts for my wedding. Since I never really had a theme, just an underlying color scheme plus lemons, this is exciting! Anyways, I have always been drawn to this unique and beautiful black and white print that I never knew the name of. Well, I discovered on the internet it is called Damask, and it is POPULAR! Especially in weddings these days. I suppose it's trendy, and although I don't consider myself a trendy person, I really love this print. I was searching for it on eBay last night and they make everything in this print! And it comes in other colors, but the black and white is by far the most impactful.

Anyways, so I am going to try to incorporate damask in the elements of my wedding as much as I can, even though I am doing minimal decor. The design on my invitations can even be considered damask. It's everywhere and I found a lot of ideas and inspiration on the internet today.

Which is probably the best thing that has happened to me today in the wedding planning world. I went to Target today, again, to see if the save the dates had come in the match my other wedding stationary. They weren't there. And when I asked someone about them, the guy at the guest services desk told me that they probably won't have them again, that is something that they may not carry anymore. You need to know that he did not know what item specifically he was speaking about, he just said the that stationary part of the store would not be changing until Christmas, so whatever I was looking for that wasn't there, probably just wouldn't ever be. Now that was discouraging!!!

And, the other wedding chore I had today was to go by the reception location and drop of my deposit check, get some more information and to ask the guy in charge if I could take pictures. Well, I arrive, bummed out after my Target adventure, to find out that the guy had just left for lunch and wouldn't be back for about an hour. Also, I would not be able to take photos of the location because they were having some sort of class in the room. It was a wasted trip!

Oh well, I am going to spend the rest of the evening playing with this new tool I found while I was lost in Googleland. I always run into these collages of inspiration when looking at wedding ideas, and I always wished I could make them but never knew how. WELL, there is a website that lets you create your own for free!!! YAY!

So be looking for my wedding insiration collages coming soon!


A beautiful wedding and Target.

So, I know what I will be doing on Thursday. I will be going across the country to find the missing pieces to my black and white paisley collection from Target. I still need favor boxes and hopefully save the dates. What perplexes me the most is that I cannot purchase these items online! It's very frustrating! And I really need to find the save the dates by next month!

I attended my friend Jessica's wedding this past Sunday. She and I have known each other since 9th grade. Her wedding was beautiful and I enjoyed it very much! It also gave me a chance to pay attention to details and happenings at the wedding. This was the last wedding I will be attending until my own, so I had to pay attention! (Although I cannot wait to hear about and see pictures from my other friend from high school, Ashlee's, wedding).

Some things I noticed were how Jessica and Jesse acted around each other. They seemed comfortable, which is important. They were themselves, it seemed. The first thing that they did after entering the reception was sat down at their Sweetheart Table for a few minutes and took some pictures, but they almost immediately got up and started talking to all their guests, table by table. I thought that was smart, that way you have mingled with everyone before things get too distracting and before the early-goers leave. I also thought it was cool how they would introduce each other to the guests and tell a little bit about how they know them. I don't think that we will have to do much of that at our reception, since it's mostly family and mutual friends... Hmm...

In lieu of favors, there were the cutest cupcakes at each place setting with a fondant bee on the top and it was sitting on a pretty pink coaster that had "meant to bee" stamped on it. It was precious!

Two of my favorite elements that Jessica had
in her wedding are two that I had planned on incorporating in my own, so it was nice to see them laid out. First, she had a big autograph frame placed on the guestbook table for her guests to sign. I did notice first hand that people were unsure and almost afraid to sign it when it was blank! There were several of us standing around it at the time and people were chatting about it, but no one wanted to the first. So, I went ahead and signed it so people wouldn't feel like they were the first. I want to make a note of this so I have someone in my party sign mine so that people don't hesitate!

Secondly, she had a "wishing well" of sorts, where people write down best wishes or memories for the bride and groom on a card and place them in a well (or vase). The was something I warned to do because I want to scrapbook the cards. I haven't exactly figured out how I am going to execute this, but I loved seeing Jessica's table!

I feel like I am at a point where I can't do anymore. It's a little over 6 months away, and I have done a lot of big things, but it's too early to do small things. I am meeting with a possible photographer on Saturday, and I pray that that goes well because it fits very well into the way money has been budgeted, and I am afraid if it doesn't, I will suddenly have a big problem! It's a little overwhelming because I have so many things still on my list but I can't cross them off for awhile!

And then there's the honeymoon...